
Digital implant system & one day full mouth rehabilitation surgery training course

The Biomate digital implant system & one day full mouth rehabilitation surgery training course for overseas dentists jointly organized by Biomate IAI and Kaohsiung Medical School Hospital has been enrolled.
This two-day training course consists of lectures and hands-on. Biomate has invited experienced lecturers in implantology for lecturing in person.
During the courses you will : 
- Learn how to define implant position & how to use digital surgery guided to perform implanting.
- Learn one day full mouth rehabilitation treatment concept, considerations before treatment & critical surgery.
The training course will be held at Surgical Skills Center, Department of Clinical Education and Training, Kaohsiung Medical School Hospital on 10/19-20. In this course, doctors from five overseas countries including Ghana, Jordan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia & Thailand will participate in this program.
During the course, doctors will visit the GMP factory of Biomate Medical Devices Technology, where they will gain a better understanding on manufacturing process of laser surface treatment implants.


#Biomate IAI
#Digital Implant System
#One day full mouth rehabilitation

Biomate Digital implant system & all on 4 surgery training course
